
The scientific base "ADOM" aims to create a scientific-medical and technological base, which in turn will serve all fields of science throughout the Caucasus, it will be an information center, a laboratory, a medical clinic and an innovation chamber. It will all be united under one name - "ADOM".
An educational database called OWL aims to create a cognitive-educational database that will serve, connect and develop all schools, colleges and universities. To better achieve this, we in each institution, be it a school, university, college, or center, we create our representative bodies in the form of students, 1 chairman and his average team of 10 people will develop open and interesting projects, we will discuss and implement with them. Exactly our educational base "OWL" used by the American company "High School in the USA", in there exchange programs.
The unifying base of culture and politics called "Caucasus House", Which is used by the departments of the Adolescent Polity and the Caucasus House of our organization and which is created for work, There are 24 urban, 258 municipal and 12 overseas job districts across the Caucasus, as well as various clubs that work actively for better integration of ethnic minorities. This base unites 5 (five) ethnic clubs of our organization. They are - China Club, Club Triumvirates (Unites Greeks and Jews living in Georgia), Ethno Club (Unites all Muslims living in Georgia), Russian-Armenian Club and Anime Club.